Symptoms: Regardless of the reason you came to our office, it is important to understand the difference between symptoms and their cause. As your program progresses, you will have good days and bad days. Don’t get caught up in the roller coaster; it is normal. You will be happiest and get the best results if you understand that this is a process designed to get you functioning at your peak level and get you on the road to wellness. Stay focused on this outcome so you are pleased with your results and can enjoy the journey.
The timing results will vary from person to person based on many factors including general health, exercise, stress, diet, length of time with the condition, the initial severity score given to each patient before starting care. Some feel different within a couple of sessions, while tougher conditions will take many 20-30 sessions to see any noticeable results. It’s important to not get impatient or judge improvements (or lack thereof) from day to day. The type of neurofeedback training we offer here is permanent. Neurofeedback helps to improve functions such as concentration, short-term memory, speech, motor skills, sleep, energy level, and emotional balance.